O Brasil com mais de 250 milhões de linhas de celulares ativas

O número de celulares aumenta gradualmente

De acordo com as informações apresentadas pela Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (Anatel), o Brasil reached a milestone of 255 million active cell phone lines in 2022. This number is expected to continue growing, as the number of new subscriptions is increasing steadily.

Mais de 1 milhão de novas linhas por mês

In the last month, Brazilians subscribed to 1.97 million new mobile phone lines, representing a growth of 0.78% compared to the previous month. This trend is expected to continue, as the demand for cell phone services remains strong.

Aumento surpreendente desde 2011

Comparing the current number of cell phone lines to 2011, the growth is remarkable. In 2011, there were approximately 215 million cell phone lines in Brazil, compared to the current 255 million. This represents a growth of over 40 million cell phone lines in just over a decade.

Mais de uma linha de celular por habitante

Another interesting conclusion drawn by the Anatel study is that there are more cell phone lines than inhabitants in Brazil. In fact, the study found that for every 100 Brazilians, there are 129 cell phone lines active.

Variação regional na teledensidade

The Anatel study also analyzed the density of cell phone lines in different regions of Brazil. According to the report, the North and Northeast regions of Brazil have the lowest density of cell phone lines, while the Center-West region has the highest density.

Distrito Federal e Maranhão se destacam

Interestingly, the Distrito Federal (Federal District) is the only state that has more than two cell phone lines per inhabitant. On the other hand, the state of Maranhão is the only one that does not have more cell phone lines per inhabitant.

Ranking das operadoras

The Anatel study also evaluated the participation of the main operators in the mobile phone market. According to the report, Vivo is the leading operator, with over 75 million active cell phone lines. TIM and Claro also have a significant presence, with around 68 and 62 million active cell phone lines, respectively.

Tecnologia GSM mais adotada

Finally, the study found that the GSM technology is the most adopted by mobile phone operators, with 77.43% of the market share.

Ranking de celulares no Brasil

Ranking de celulares no Brasil:
Vivo: 75.538 milhões de linhas ativas (29,63%)
TIM: 68.536 milhões de linhas ativas (26,88%)
Claro: 62.409 milhões de linhas ativas (24,59%)
Oi: 47.334 milhões de linhas ativas (18,59%)
CTBC: 0,28%
Sercomtel: 0,03%

Fala a última palavra

In summary, the Anatel study provides a comprehensive overview of the Brazilian mobile phone market, highlighting the significant growth in the number of cell phone lines, the regional differences in teledensidade, and the ranking of the main operators.

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